Finding Gaging Sites Along a River

To get started selecting a site, click the Settings tab and select

a state by clicking the white box under “Set the state”.  Then

click the box under “Set the site”

You will see a scrolling list of gaging sites organized by county. 

Click a site to select it.

You can also enter text in the search box.  Start typing the

name of a river, e.g. San Joaquin, and you will see matching

sites.    This is a quick way to find USGS gaging sites along a

river in your state. 

Click the blue “Search” button to close the keyboard and scroll through the matches, or click on a site to select it. 

This works for site numbers, too.

When you click on a site you will be prompted for the number of days worth of data to download.  “Quick Look” is very fast.

“90 days” takes longer but gives you a 90 day historical view that

can be scrolled to show 120 days.

Finally, return to the Streamflow tab to see the results.